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Ultimately when you raise your vibrations you feel lighter, joyful and motivated, have more peace and serenity inside of you and simply feel fabulous! Physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically!

Further creating a powerful ripple effect that radiates from you.

with Reiki


No words can do it justice. Reiki is really something you have to experience yourself to start to feel what it can do for you.


Comments from customers after a Reiki session...



"I feel AMAZING!"​

"I've never experienced relaxation like it"

       "It felt like you cleansed my soul!"

"My energies feel so calm"

"I am so chilled, I feel I can deal with anything"

"It felt like the stress was being pulled out of me"

"I literally feel lighter!"


Would you like to join the thousands of people who have experienced Reiki?


Receive some nurturing to reset your energies during a session of total relaxation, like you've never experienced before? 


Leave the work, family and life stresses behind and embrace an internal calmness that you simply cannot explain.

Hi, I'm Tina and I am a Reiki Practitioner, currently

working mobile (5 miles radius of Sudbury, Suffolk)

or distantly, and will soon be based in Long Melford. 


I would love to welcome you to the world of Reiki. It is,

quite simply, incredible! Click here for prices and to

book in - and take advantage of my Introductory Offers


Common results (which can be from a one off or regular sessions) are:

reduced stress & anxiety

total relaxation

enhanced clarity 

boosted immune system

enhanced internal self healing

reduction of pain

better digestion

internal detox of heavy and negative energies 

improved overall health

and more often than not, a really good, restorative night's sleep!




If you fancy experiencing some of this for yourself, click here to book.

I would be honoured to introduce you to this incredible technique.


My Reiki experience was amazing during and after, I've felt relaxed and peaceful since, even my dentist (whose appointment was on the same day) commented on how relaxed I was!
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