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Vibrational Abundance Coaching Program...
Is it time to start a love affair with yourself and bring abundance into all areas of your life?

Coming soon...

My 'Moving On' program has two options. One where you will work through the program independently in your own time or the second option being a more structured approach; which includes personalised 1:1 sessions with me (when working with your body's energies - EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Reiki, Chakra Balancing). ​ As this work can be deeply transformative, allowing up to 6 months will give you space to allow your change and growth at a more natural pace. There is no rush, this is work that will stay with you for the rest of your life.  ​ A mix of Transformational Coaching, Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix ReImprinting (Option 2 only), Meditation, Chakra Balancing, Reiki (Option 2 only), Somatic practices, Visualisation Meditation will be offered. I feel it is very important to give  you options on the energy practices so that if you do not feel connected with one, you can explore other avenues.  ​ ​ ​ Establishing and becoming comfortable with the mind/body connection - getting to know your holistic self - meditation/reiki session (option 2 only) /breathing. ​ Gaining clarity on what you want to focus on in your life and what you really want.   Gaining awareness of patterns and thought processes that keep you stuck and feeling unable to change things - complain and blame cycle, judgement, basics of extrinsic control. ​ Working on patterns and changing your energies, discarding old heavy energy and embracing lighter, joyful energies and steering towards the success you've always dreamed of - EFT, Matrix, NLP visual meditation, changing language, changing external facts such as diet, sleep, exercise ​ Planning inspired action which will propel you forwards. ​ Maintaining your energies using holistic tools that are always in your back pocket - breathing, meditation, chakra balancing  ​ How does it work?  The two journey options.  ​ Option One - Independent Journey You work through the sections of the course in your own time, there is a guide to the frequency I believe is beneficial, however it is totally your choice.  ​ Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) ​ There is a script called 'My Identity' that comes as standard as I believe working on how you identify with yourself is crucial to start making transformational changes in your life.   Then once you have clarity on the main area of your focus, you will have access to EFT script(s) that cover the [5] main areas.  ​ Self-Worth/Love and Confidence Relationships Financial Freedom ??? ​ There will be what's app [Monday to Friday] support in-between sessions for the whole 6 months. ​ Total:  ​ Option Two - A mix of independence and direct sessions with me. In addition to the modules for clarity, inspired action and gaining practices to use time and time again,  you will be working directly with me.  I offer the opportunity to receive Reiki twice, sandwiching the coaching journey allowing you to initially experience how being energetically balanced feels and at the end for maintenance purposes. Up to [4] personalised EFT and/or Matrix ReImprinting sessions via Zoom - whilst the generic EFT scripts are very successful, these sessions will be fully personalised to your situation, covering all angles with the intention of clearing and/or changing your energies (stories) relating to the area you wish to focus on. Please note that generally [4] sessions are enough to clear/change connections, but this is very dependant on how deeply the beliefs and thoughts are held within your energy system - more sessions may be required at extra cost. ​ Total:  ​ There will be what's app [Monday to Friday] support in-between sessions for the whole 6 months. Book in for a free, no obligation 30 minute chat to 'meet' each other and see if our connection is one that will help you on your holistic journey.   ​ The holistic energy practices and tools to raise your inner vibrational energy​ When we have low vibrations in our body, they are the heavier, denser energies (such as anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness etc). Working on clearing these energetic vibrations will invite in the higher, lighter vibrations (energies such as happiness, joyfulness, calmness and so on). Therefore, I strongly believe raising vibrations is crucial to a healthy body, mind and soul.   Once a person is vibrating at a higher frequency, the body's nervous system is more relaxed thus promoting the natural self-healing process within.​ My passion is to bring awareness to the mind-body connection and the fact that we have so much control over it; from mindset and thoughts to the way energy flows in our body. I want to empower you to explore your mind and work with your inner energies in ways you may have never done before; to discover your inner self and ultimately raise your vibrational internal energies to unleash inner healing power.​ With gentle, holistic techniques, energy healing is beyond doubt the way forward in breaking through blocks, attracting what we want into our lives, changing our thought process and increasing our well-being.​We can do that by working with the subconscious mind, breaking old internal energies and patterns to promote growth and provide freedom from stagnant life issues. ​​

So many of us want to change things in our lives and push through that procrastination and fear that often holds us back. We can feel so attached to our past that we actually forget to live in the present, to be excited about the future.   In today's overwhelming overload of advice, we hear things such as  ​ '...become aligned with your purpose...' '...let go of your limiting beliefs and create the life you deserve..."' '...face your fears and step out of your comfort zone'... ​ ​ ​ ​ All great advice which can lead to positive actions, but what do all these really mean? If you're craving self-improvement and contentedness, but are currently already an overthinker these 'trendy' buzz terms can simply create greater angst within the mind...unintentionally creating more overthinking and feelings of overwhelm and failure. ​ At Raising Vibrations, we aim to guide you to feel at one with your internal energies. Why?, because your energies ultimately dictate your daily life. We provide tools to enable you to connect your mind and body in order to work with these energies to optimise every area of your life.  ​ This leads on to awakening of clarity and awareness for your future. Our work is to look towards the future, to inspire you and create an outlook of joy and enthusiasm.  Whilst it is not a replacement for therapy, we can work to establish and disburse the root causes of energetic issues (whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual) with the intention of discarding any heavy, old vibrational energies that may be dragging you down. You will start to embrace new, lighter vibrations that lift you up and make life calmer, healthier, more productive and a lot more fun!

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