As of 29th October, my practice is based in
Great Cornard, CO10 0YZ
For a Healthy & Calm Life
*​formerly Raising Vibrations
Do you remember that cool teacher in school, the one that we wanted to do our best for? You felt clever in their lessons and wanted to be the best student for them, and for you. Lessons were fun and exciting, you knew that they didn't just care about your grades, but despite this (or perhaps because of it) you were like a sponge and naturally absorbed the learnings.
Now think back to the teachers who were stricter, who just wanted to plow through the lesson plan, not have any 'fun' and have robotic students.
The difference in what you achieved was probably immense.
The teachers' energies could either ignite your interest and passion, or switch it off in an instance.
It is the same with employees, except they are now adults, sometimes with complex lives.
Life in general can be difficult, stressful and busy - but we still need our employees to carry out the job they are paid to do.
By supporting your staff in their wellness, you are showing your employees that:
they matter as a person, not just a payroll number;
you understand that 'life' cannot always simply be shrugged off between the hours of 9am-5pm;
you want to work together to create the best working environment for all.
Investments in employees' holistic wellbeing leads to numerous benefits:
reduction in stress;
enhances concentration;
boosts immunity;
prevents depression;
employees who feel respected;
a calmer, happier working environment;
higher and better quality productivity;
less sick days taken, because employees actually want to be at work;
a huge ripple effect in an employee's personal life - leading to an all round healthier and happier person.
Corporate Packages...
We have developed packages to work with Managers and Employees, with the aim of bringing calmness to an individual's energies - thus in turn allowing them to turn up day in day out able to deal with whatever crosses their path that day.
Group Meditation and Breath-work to immediately reduce stresses and place employees into a calmer reality.
Emotional Freedom Technique to deal with individual triggers, in the moment, reducing feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, overthinking and so on.
EFT Matrix ReImprinting for specifically chosen employees with deeper rooted issues that affect everyday life - home and work - this can include:
pain with unknown cause;
Reiki sessions - 30 minute sessions to give individuals the chance to start resetting their energies.